Capstone Project: I did contribute my project idea in the chat thread during class, but I think it got lost in the responses, as I didn’t see it in the Google document. 

I am interested in continuing my exploration of authentic student engagement through the use of technology in the language arts classroom. As our district moves toward integrating 21st century skills, the exploration of different software and the proper integration of it can be daunting. From a practical standpoint, we, as employees, must follow the vision and plan. More importantly, we must recognize that our students come to us with a very different skill set and need from those who weren’t inundated with technology in the past. 

Although the perfect classroom would include a 1:1 student to computer ratio, the reality is that we don’t have computers available in every classroom. Moreover, some students have the ability to “BYOD,” while others do not. Navigating the issue of available technology is our first hurdle. Further, we must take in to consideration, the problems that will arise when the technology is old, rundown and needs fixing. We know that some students can use their Smart phones, while others cannot. We know that our server goes down seemingly quite often. 

Each school has its different culture around learning. But, the need for integrating technology and using it appropriately, remains at every site. The challenge remains how each site will navigate this. Further, those teachers at sites who are “digital immigrants” need the support of stronger teachers. The site needs to recognize its individual needs and construct a support plan and give time to accomplish this new perspective in teaching. In addition, administration must maintain an open environment for teachers as they navigate this new process. 

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