Gamification Definition and Comments: 

Gamification (noun) 
Syllabification: (gam·i·fi·ca·tion)
Pronunciation: /ˌɡāmifəˈkāSHən/ ...(okay, that wasn't me.. thought that'd be fun)

Gamification is the art of integrating attributes of games into a school lesson, with the desire to increase student-engagement and student knowledge of a particular topic or standard. As students progress, they earn greater accolades that move them to the next level (and level of understanding). With this greater understanding and higher level, their new acquired "tools" allow them to increase their understanding and truly advance.

I am completely intrigued by implementing this into the classroom and definitely see the positive effects (increased understanding of topics or standard). This tool fulfills so many aspects of what good education entails: prior knowledge, desire to see positive results quickly, engagement, interest and solid learning. 

However, my concerns at this point, outweigh the benefits. I wouldn't even know where to begin! And, it seems like a huge time-suck. I don't know enough about computers to make my own game. I haven't found any sites yet (ever-hopeful; the internet is huge) that will fit the standards we have so far. I'm not as concerned with students or parents questioning the validity of this practice and feel that I could present its attributes well. And, I agree with Samantha's concerns, what if the students begin to expect every class to have a game-quality to them?

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